Here are some recent reviews.
Review of Brian Leiter's Moral Psychology with Nietzsche
MIND, forthcoming
MIND has a policy of commissioning relatively long reviews of about 4,000 words, in order to allow reviewers to make a substantial contribution to the journal.
I was invited to write a long review of Brian Leiter’s new book.
All Too Human
Literary Review 469, October 2018
A review of Sue Prideaux’s biography of Nietzsche: I am Dynamite! (Faber, 2018)
Download full, penultimate version or follow link to the final version (behind paywall).
Review of David Kornhaber's The Birth of Theater from the Spirit of Philosophy (Northwestern University Press, 2016)
Modern Drama, Volume 60, Number 3, Fall 2017, pp. 399-401
David Kornhaber’s book aims to “place the theater back into the history of Nietzsche’s thought and to place Nietzsche back into the history of the theater”.
Rooms with a View
Literary Review, Issue 448, November 2016
A review of Grand Hotel Abyss by Stuart Jeffries (Verso, 2016), which is a popular history of the Frankfurt School. (The review is currently behind a paywall.)
Ecce Homunculus
Literary Review, June 2016
A review of Daniel Blue’s The Making of Friedrich Nietzsche: The Quest for Identity, 1844–1869 (CUP, 2016). It’s a biography of the young Nietzsche, up to the age of 24.
Review of Nietzsche and The Birth of Tragedy, by Paul Raimond Daniels.
European Journal of Philosophy, Reviews Supplement, Volume 23, Issue Supplement S2, pages e17–e21, June 2015
In my review of Paul Raimond Daniels’ very helpful introduction to The Birth of Tragedy, I focus on how Daniels handles two of the thornier problems in Nietzsche’s first and in many ways most important book: Nietzsche’s relation to Schopenhauer and art’s relation to truth.
'On Analysis' (TLS Nietzsche Review Article)
Times Literary Supplement, No. 5814, September 5th, 2014
This piece looks at Nietzsche and Nietzsche scholarship through the lens of some recently published books. Nietzsche has attracted such a wide variety of interpretations; it is fruitful to think about why. One focus of the piece, via the recent publication of the Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche (eds Gemes/Richardson), is the so-called ‘analytic Nietzsche’: who is he and what does he want?
Was Nietzsche part of a 'Dramatic Turn'?
Lebenswelt, No. 3 (2013)
I wrote this short piece for a symposium on Martin Puchner’s book, The Drama of Ideas. One of Puchner’s suggestions is that Nietzsche was part of a theatrical or dramatic ‘turn’. I’m interested in both Nietzsche and the philosophy of theatre, so my symposium piece looked at this claim in more detail.
Review of Clark and Dudrick: 'The Soul of Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil'
Mind (2014) 123 (489): pp. 198-203
My review of Clark and Dudrick’s The Soul of Beyond Good and Evil . The review considers the book’s method and it wonders about the tension – familiar to Nietzsche scholars – between explaining what Nietzsche said and wanting him to say something you like.
Review of The Three Stigmata of Friedrich Nietzsche: Political Physiology in the Age of Nihilism by Nandita Biswas Mellamphy
Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Here is a review of a recent book on Nietzsche’s politics, which I found disappointing.